Privacy Policy

General User data

When you visit our Internet pages we receive useful data. We evaluate this data in order to recognise trends and draw up statistics, at the same time all our activities are in compliance with the high safety standards laid down by the Teleservice Data Protection Act (TDDSG) and the data protection regulations for Tele-communication companies (TDSV). These ensure that user data or user profiles can be brought into conflict with personal data, which would thus create the "glass user". In order to receive this data, we use cookies. The sole purpose of these is to further optimize our Website for you. You can, of course also use our site without cookies.

Particular user data

The FS Consulting GmbH respects the individual rights of the user and is aware of the importance of the personal data we receive from you. We gather, store and process your data in accordance with the appropriate legal data protection regulations.
Insofar as Internet pages and services of other providers are accessible over the Website of FS Consulting GmbH, we are nor responsible for, nor can we be held liable for, their content or the handling of data protection by the respective providers.

Personal data

Personal data is all information about yourself which enables FS Consulting GmbH to draw conclusions about your identity, such as your name, Email address or postal address.
In accordance with the BDSG (Federal Data Protection Act) the directives for processing personal data are strictly observed and the user can revoke his consent at any time. The data is only stored for the period as stated in this agreement and which is required to comply with applicable law.

Transmission to third parties

Transmission of your data to third parties is only effected in the frameworkof job placement.
Your data will not be forwarded for advertising purposes.

Publication of personal data

In the framework of our Internet offer we can forward personal data sent to us (incl. telephone number, address, Email address) for publication purposes (e.g. property market).
Gastrojob is not liable for any contingent abuse of this data by third parties. Publication of private data is entirely at the advertiser/principal's own risk.

Duration of the data storage

We gather, store and process information only for the duration of the job placement. Upon successful placement the data stored by us is deleted.

Right of Revocation

You have the right to revoke the usage of your data at any time.
In the absence of a direct delete function on the Website, an appropriate message from you to us (Email, post or telephone) suffices. Your data will then be deleted irrevocably.

Security of your data

Although we endeavour to guarantee the security of your data within the framework of the existing data protection legislation, no electronic communication is completely secure. We would like to point out that, despite our high standards, information which you release voluntarily over the Net can be used by others. Consequently, The FS Consulting GmbH can not be held responsible or made liable for the disclosure of information resulting from mistakes made in data transmission and/or from unauthorised access by third parties.

Modification of this data protection statement

In compliance with the existing data protection provisions FS Consulting GmbH reserves the right to modify this data protection statement at any time. Any modifications will be published here.

Legal Effects / Severability Clause

Should parts or single formulations in this text not, no longer or not entirely comply with the existing legal position, the residual parts of the document remain unaffected in content and validity.

As of: 02/06/2006

business solutions

FS Consulting GmbH & Co. KG
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